Hey! Leilani here!

As many of you may know, my personal journey of responding to God’s call to the mission field has been filled with many changes. My location has changed several times, as well as who I am going with, what I’ll be doing, and when I will be leaving. The Lord has already built my faith and tested my flexibility, and I am excited to experience the ways He will use me in Kenya!

My destination is Kendu Adventist Hospital, in Kendu Bay, Kenya. This welcoming and loving hospital is located near the shores of Lake Victoria, providing services to people in the surrounding villages. It is known to be the oldest and largest Adventist medical facility in Kenya, offering a variety of medical services, from general surgery to dental care!

The three other student missionaries and I will be serving in many ways, including working in the hospital, helping with the kids in the elementary school, holding VBS, and a plethora of other tasks that I have yet to discover! 

Please pray for me as I finish packing and preparing to fly out over the next several days!


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